Saturday, September 24, 2011


Brad, my sister's husband came over yesterday to fix our toilet. Abby had so lovingly put an entire roll of toilet paper in and it clogged it up. Still haven't found out if perhaps she put something else in there too! But yes, an overflow occurred. Good times!

Thankfully Brad came to our rescue (yet again) and brought Owen, his youngest. So Abby and I are sitting at the table having breakfast and she says: "Mommy,  I'll be Uncle Brad, and you be Owen." I said...okay.... Then, "Owen, can you hand me that wrench?"

It was pretty cute I must say!

We also played "You be Abby, and I'll be mommy."

Then she was talking about about wolves and the forest and saying that I have to be careful because "they just puff you down!"

"You hear the sniffly sound?" *sniff sniff* "It's in the forest. You have to be careful."

Ever the imagination of a sweet little three year old.

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